Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Memory Verse

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. ~ Psalms 100:4

Happy Almost Thanksgiving

We are busy getting ready for the holidays and I am sure you are too! This week, we are working on mastering a new book, reading from a previous book (depending on which student you are), working on the memory verse, along with math, geography and American history.

On the computer, we are still working on Auto Cad and Teamer is making great strides. They have also discovered a number of other sites, besides ebay and Amazon on which to spend their allowance. (Oh yea!)

We completed our Christmas mugs we decorated last week, except we need to take the art work (insert) and have it laminated before we start using the cups. They came out very nice and the boys were pleased.

Incase you haven’t seen these cups, they can be found at most craft stores, along with Mardels in our area. The cost is only 88 cents! Truly a great buy for something the boys have enjoyed making. They come with four different insert designs, which is great as everyone’s is different.

Later this week we will begin decorating pine cones and making bird feeders from some of the cones. (Unless it rains!)

This coming Saturday, I will be teaching at ECU. We will be preparing a Thanksgiving Day dinner. I haven’t decided if the boys are going along to help, but I am considering just that. It would be a great experience. They haven’t done any demonstration type activity since during the summer and this time it would be for adults, which would be good practice. Hoping granddaughter, Gabby, will be here, too.

In the meantime, I am trying to get organized so we won’t spin out of control before Christmas arrives!

You can read my latest post at www.dailyjesus.info if you would like.

May you Thanksgiving table be blessed.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is It Really November?

I can not believe how fast the year is passing! October passed in a big orange blur! I apologize for not posting!

In an effort to get caught up and keep granddaughter, Gabby, happy (or quiet) I am going to make Tuesday the day I post here. At some point, I will try and turn my schedule upside down and wrong side out and post here sometime between Friday and Monday. That would indicate we know what we are doing, before we do it, instead of after the fact. Not that I want to mislead anyone!

We have found two very cool sites that are really spicing up things around here! And when the boys are working on the computer, it gives me a few minutes to do something around the house that needs to be done, or get caught on the phone. Still, there are some very good math and spelling exercises on these sites.



Also, we have been given a huge sack of pine cones. Never mind the fact we have a number of pine trees and I’ve been too lazy to have the boys pickup the ones that are on the ground. It made a friend very happy to donate these to our little school. Someone had given them to her and she never got around to using them.

For our Thanksgiving project, we are going to coat pine cones with peanut butter, then sprinkle with bird seed. We will then hang them with yarn (hopefully high enough the goats won’t get them). I know, everyone has probably done this at some time or another. Still, the birds appreciate the effort and it will be a nice activity.

With Christmas just around the corner, we will also be decorating with pine cones. We will use some to make miniature Christmas trees, make a few door decorations for gifts, and some we will spray with gold glitter and add to other things from nature’s bounty.

Liz, thanks for the pine cones! We will use them in several art projects between now and the end of the year!

BTW ~ I will be teaching at the college (ECU) Saturday, November 21. We will be preparing turkey with all the trimmings! The class is called, “Talking Turkey.” Come by and see us!

Enjoy the season!