Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Week that Was!!

I know, I promised to come back and post what we would be doing this week. Only now it is Thursday and we only have one day of school left this week. One of the reasons why I didn’t get back is because of the animal in the above picture.

“Trigger” as he is affectionately called, got out of his pen yesterday and we had a “slow speed” chase going on! It took some searching, but he was finally found in the neighbor’s pasture socializing. It took a little longer to persuade him back to his home turf and he invited friends to come along. (Why do we have a horse who acts like a teenager?)

Trigger is now back home and the fence is repaired.

The cold, hard facts are - one day was dedicated to animal husbandry, life skills, and fencing. Interruptions are a part of life. Sometimes, you just have to deal with it!

The picture is my friend Frannie’s schoolhouse. Cute, isn’t it? I love it!

When we haven't been chasing animals or running errands, we have been studing words that rhyme, the five senses, graphs, along with reviewing math and reading skills. One afternoon was spent on computer science and we finished gathering all the materials we need to complete our paper making project.

This afternoon, Papaw is going to give a demonstration on changing inter tubes in bicycle tires. We will double up on kitchen duty tonight in preparations for having all eleven kids here tomorrow night.

We also have the materials Gabby needs for her primative doll making project and the earth provided us with an earthquake late last night/early this morning, so we will be taking a look at earthquakes and how they are measured in intensity. Here is a really great site for information written on a level that is easy to understand.
Next week, I will try to do better!
Until then,

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy week! I admire the learning through living lifestyle...but you already knew that I'll bet. ;)

    Hope you have a relaxing weekend ahead.
