Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Homeschooling at its BEST!

We have crossed a threshold of sorts! We have struggled with this homeschooling journey for several years now. There have been ups and there have been downs. Some times I was most grateful for what they "weren't" learning at public school....since they didn't seem to be learning a lot here at home. Still we pressed onward.

The last few days, we haven't done much school. I have been busy and dh has been working on the new well house. The boys have helped with the building of the well house....and that is a positive.

But in their spare time...they have built a two-seater bicycle! Yes, a bicycle built for two and it WORKS! Mind you, they built this from scrap pieces of old bicycles. (Our scrap yard of bike parts is nearly as bad as some of our other junk!) I am so proud of their imaginations and creativity!!!

Not only that, since we haven't been doing "school" per say during normal school hours, now they want to read at night! What???? What's with this? Usually, I have to fight to get them to read! And the one who is the hardest to persuade to read, has started reading the Hardy Boy series on his own! Huh? I am not kidding!!!

So, the lesson never give up! It will happen and once their creative minds take hold, watch out!!!

Later, I will do a follow up, complete with pictures! First, I need to pickup batteries for the camera!


  1. Yes, homeschooling is the best! Freedom to learn in one's interest is a blessing.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. I appreciate your sweet comments so much! I have felt the prayers and positive thoughts already and am feeling more peace in my heart! Thanks for stopping by! I have loved every moment of our almost 13 yrs of HSing journey! I can't imagine life any other way! And, we too, have been on a spiritual journey of the same kind as you....God always has a plan when paths cross, doesn't He?!

  3. I started homeschooling this year and quickly found that I like relaxed/unschooling so much better.

    My daughter really likes to learn and frankly, compared w/ other kids her age or even older (like our Girl Scout troop)she reads as well or better than most, and same with math.

    She has standardized testing in a month or so...should be interesting.

  4. Your children are learning much more than you expected....

    I struggled through our homeschooling years but we also persevered. My oldest son, 16 years old, has finished all his high school requirements. He is ready to go to the university this year. It's such an encouragement to all of us. I still have two daughters to home educate. But friends and relatives are also impressed to know that homeschooling really works.

  5. This is an awesome post! Thank you! I can not WAIT for those photos of the bicycle to show my sons!!! They will just LOVE it! One way that God has changed my heart in our eight years of homeschooling is in the way that I define "education" and "learning"...if you REALLY wanted to, you could itemize all of the "school subjects" and Math activities that building that bike and well house entailed (much like "SHOP" classes in public school, right?). I loved what you wrote about being happy for what they are NOT learning in outside schools, yet worrying that they're not learning much at home...this is our self-imposed battle as homeschooling moms. Ruth's wonderful son, Ben, and so many others who go on to leave home and make a way for themselves in the world are living proof that they ARE learning at home...each and every day:)

  6. Stopping by from Friday Follow. I'm your newest follower.
    Please check me out at

  7. that is so cool, building a bike out of scrap. that's learning something worth learning.

  8. Today was one of those days where not much homeschooling happened. Technically.. But actually, they kids learned service as we spent the morning helping my Grandparents.
    I would like to see pictures of that bicycle when it is completed- that sounds super!

  9. I'm so glad your kids are SELECTING reading as their own pastime now! Particularly since you're the winner of the second Sharing the Wealth giveaway over at Best Family Adventures ( Please send me (outdoor411(at)ay-oh-el(dot)com)your contact info so I can get the books to you!

  10. Wonderful story, and great advice! They are learning more than we realize every day:)

  11. Hi Sweetpea, I am going to surprise you one day and take a little trip up there to visit in PERSON! You are such an inspiration and just what I want to be "when I grow up" teehee. Love ya, Mollye

  12. A lot of what our kids learn is not from a formal school setting. These are lessons they will never forget, and shows that they have been learning.

  13. Greetings,
    If you're interested in homeschooling, courtship, quiverfull issues, child-raising, politics, and spiritual inspiration, try a free, no obligation issue of SALT Magazine. If you haven't tried SALT yet, all we need is a name and mailing address to send you a free issue. Or, you can check out our website ( and sign up for a free issue online.
    - In the Vine, Jim & Cindy

  14. Sounds like un-schooling to me that I have heard about. Not giving up is always good. Creative they are!

    Checking in and coming by to thank you for being my follower.
    Peace....Naila Moon
