Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Coming Week ~ August 17 to 21

I am sitting here preparing for next week. Usually, I am not so efficient. Many thoughts are running through my mind, some of which will find their way into our homeschooling experience.

Will Rogers along with Wiley Post died 74 years ago today, on August 15, 1935, when their plane crashed near Barrow, Alaska Territory. This coming week we will be studying a little about Oklahoma’s favorite son.

We will also continue to look at the sky and how the moon affects life here on Earth.

We have two projects lined up for the next few days. First we will be dying T-shirts with a little help from the sun and then we will begin the process of making paper.

Our Liberty’s Kids dvd’s arrived, which we will begin watching and part of our reading will be the American Adventure Series! These two studies will go hand in hand and I am very excited about both. Also, we will be studying England and why people wanted to make that dangerous move in coming to America. Tea and cookies, anyone?

Our world map is now hanging and the boys are anxious to play “Geography Bowl.” This involves a bowl (surprise!) containing note cards. Each card has the name of three countries or two countries and an ocean. The deal is for each student to pick a card (randomly) and see who can find the places listed on their card first.

To the above mix, we will add our daily math assignments, penmanship, commuter skills, and a little cooking. And we will be memorizing The Lord’s Prayer. Elijah is ready to start writing the book he has been planning. The other three still need to select a special project they would like for individual study.

For now, this is a glimpse of what we will be working on in the days ahead!

May you studies, whether at home or in a public school setting, be blessed!

Until next time,

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